- Ranks just 2 below the Top 50
- WEF warns against complacency, biz community expectations will evolve as country develops
By Anushka Wijesinha (Research Economist) and Dilani Hirimuthugodage (Research Officer) – IPS*
World Economic Forum today (7th September) released its latest Global
Competitiveness Report (2011-2012), which reports that Sri Lanka has
made an impressive jump of 10 places in the rankings, to 52nd from 62nd
in the 2010-2011 report. This is a further improvement from the
2009-2010 report which ranked the country at 79th position.
Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS) was the Sri Lankan
Partner Institute in conducting the Executive Opinion Survey which is a
key element in building the GCR rankings, and on Monday the IPS received
an exclusive preview of the results via international audio conference
with the WEF headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It was noteworthy that
the WEF economists speaking to all the partner institutes specifically
mentioned Sri Lanka as having performed strongly in rising up the
rankings, and are among the top risers in the Asian region.
the eve of the global release of the report, we spoke yesterday (6th
September), directly with an official at the WEF to get Sri
Lanka-specific perspectives on the latest report.
Geiger, Associate Director of the WEF’s Centre for Global
Competitiveness and Performance said, “Sri Lanka has made a remarkable
performance. When I look at the evolution across all indicators, Sri
Lanka shows improvements on 80% of them - 80-90 of the 110 indicators -
both in terms of scores as well as rank.”
“Last year was a big jump. But you need to be cautious of ranks. So many countries are ranked so close to each other. It’s important to focus on the scores. In the last GCR, Sri Lanka improved its score by 0.24 points which we consider a big jump. This year the score improvement was not as big as last year, but there is consistency”.
Lanka made the greatest improvements in scores, year-on-year, in the
pillars of ‘macroeconomic stability’ (up by 0.48 points) and
‘infrastructure’ (up by 0.33 points). Meanwhile, the most noteworthy
decline in scores was in the pillar of ‘labour market efficiency’ (down
by 0.11 points).
Certain pillars still sticky
the strong performance, however, scores of certain indicators weakened,
reflecting the business community’s continued concern on these issues
and their impact on economic activity. Geiger noted that “Everything is
on the rise in Sri Lanka except for pillars like ‘public trust in
politicians’, ‘irregular payments’, and ‘independence of the judiciary’
which have declined. The pillar of ‘red tape’ has improved significantly
from a score of 3.8 to 5.1 (rising from rank of 113 to 59). An
improvement of 0.8 is seen in the ‘security’ pillar, which the WEF
economist noted was “remarkable”, and attributed it to the improved
climate following the end of the war.
Table 1: Sri Lanka’s recent performance on GCR pillars
*Basket of countries was 133 countries in 2009-10, 139 in 2010-11, and
142 in 2011-12. Due to variances in total countries being ranked over
the 3 periods, the key point of interest should be the changes in scores
of each pillar.
Source: Global Competitiveness Report (various years), WEF
Guarding against complacency
recent reformers appear to have stalled in their rise up the rankings,
and this was considered noteworthy. “What is interesting is that we are
observing some stagnation among several developing Asia economies, for
example Vietnam and Indonesia. Even though they had been doing quite
well on the GCR lately, they have stagnated this year. We attribute it
to growing concern among the business community that the necessary
reforms have not been made fast enough to sustain growth at high
levels”, Geiger said.
appears that, in these countries, expectations have not been met and
the business community is “getting impatient”. This had important
implications for a country like Sri Lanka where, although improvements
in the rankings have been made it is important that policymakers and
government officials do not become complacent. Geiger remarked that, “As
a country develops, expectations change, the needs evolve. If
governments don’t deliver, this creates disappointment among the
business community, and this is reflected in the scores of countries
like Vietnam and Indonesia this year.”
Can it be sustained?
asked if it is likely that the recent dramatic jumps in GCR scores and
rankings were mainly due to strong positive sentiment by the business
community following the end of the war and whether this was likely to
taper off in the coming years, he noted that, “it is hard to quantify
the optimism. Rwanda observed a similar situation when it came out of
conflict in the 1990s. Sometimes we tend to observe overshooting due to
short term strong positive sentiment. But for Sri Lanka, it is not only
the opinion survey data that shows the improvements, hard data on the
various indicators support this too. But the country must guard against
Asian picture
rise to economic prominence has been accompa¬nied by a remarkable
dynamism in terms of competi¬tiveness. Over the past five years, several
countries in the region—including China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Sri
Lanka—have made important strides in the GCI rankings. Yet the
disparities in terms of competitiveness within the region are unique,
ranging from Singapore at 2nd place to Timor-Leste at 131st. Two of the
region’s largest economies, Bangladesh (108th) and Pakistan (118th),
continue to rank very low, while a number of Asian emerging economies
enter the top 30.
Lanka scores better than India (91st) this year too, but the WEF
economist cautioned against comparing the two. “You must keep in mind
that improvements in smaller economies are easier to make”. However, he
added that even among the ‘developing Asia’ country group, and even
among smaller economies, Sri Lanka does well. Table 2 provides a
selected cross-country benchmarking, showing that the country still lags
behind South East Asian neighbours like Malaysia, Thailand, and
Indonesia, and clearly has some way to go to become competitive on par
with these dynamic economies.
Table 2: GCR 2011-2012: Sri Lanka’s performance vis-à-vis selected economies
Global picture
tops the overall rankings of the GCR, while Singapore overtakes Sweden
for second position. Northern and Western European countries dominate
the top 10 with Sweden (3rd), Finland (4th), Germany (6th), the
Netherlands (7th), Denmark (8th) and the United Kingdom (10th). Japan
remains the second-ranked Asian economy at 9th place, despite falling
three places since last year.
United States continues its decline for the third year in a row,
falling one more place to fifth position. In addition to the
macroeconomic vulnerabilities that continue to build, some aspects of
the United States’ institutional environment continue to raise concern
among business leaders, particularly related to low public trust in
politicians and concerns about government inefficiency. On a more
positive note, banks and financial institutions are rebounding for the
first time since the financial crisis and are assessed as somewhat
sounder and more efficient.
the Eurozone, Germany maintains the lead, although it goes down one
position to sixth place, while the Netherlands (7th) improves by one
position in the rankings, France drops three places to 18th, and Greece
continues its downward trend to 90th. Competitiveness-enhancing reforms
will play a key role in revitalizing growth in the region and tackling
its key challenges, fiscal consolidation and persistent unemployment.
results show that while competitiveness in advanced economies has
stagnated over the past several years, in many emerging markets it has
improved, placing their growth on a more stable footing and mirroring
the shift in economic activity from advanced to emerging economies.
China (26th) continues to lead the way among large developing economies,
improving by one more place and solidifying its position among the top
30. Among the four other BRICS economies, South Africa (50th) and Brazil
(53rd) move upwards while India (56th) and Russia (66th) experience
small declines. Several Asian economies perform strongly, with Japan
(9th) and Hong Kong SAR (11th) also in the top 20.
Sala-i-Martin, Professor of Economics, Columbia University, USA, and
co-author of the GCR, notes in the report that, “Amid re-emerging
concerns about the global economic outlook, policy-makers must not lose
sight of long-term competitiveness fundamentals. For the recovery to be
put on a more stable footing, emerging and developing economies must
ensure that growth is based on productivity enhancements. Advanced
economies, many of which struggle with fiscal challenges and anaemic
growth, need to focus on competitiveness-enhancing measures in order to
create a virtuous cycle of growth and ensure solid economic recovery.”
Global Competitiveness Report’s competitiveness ranking is based on the
Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), developed for the World Economic
Forum by Sala-i-Martin and introduced in 2004. The GCI comprises 12
categories – the pillars of competitiveness – which together provide a
comprehensive picture of a country’s competitiveness landscape. The
pillars are: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment,
health and primary education, higher education and training, goods
market efficiency, labour market efficiency, financial market
development, technological readiness, market size, business
sophistication and innovation. The rankings are calculated from both
publicly available data and the Executive Opinion Survey, a
comprehensive annual survey conducted by the World Economic Forum with
its network of Partner Institutes. This year, over 14,000 business
leaders were polled in a record 142 economies. The survey is designed to
capture a broad range of factors affecting an economy’s business
Source : IPS.LK
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